Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is a condition where a fertilized egg is implanted outside uterus in a female body. Ectopic means “misplaced”. In ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized egg can be settled in cervix, fallopian tubs, abdomen, or ovaries. Ectopic pregnancy is most commonly called ‘tubal pregnancy’ because most of the times egg settles in the fallopian tubes. This is an abnormal condition and this kind of pregnancy does not result in a child birth. This is because none of the areas where a fertilized egg settles has enough space to sustain the growing size of fetus except uterus.

Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy

The ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg is unable to make its way to the uterus through fallopian tubes due to some reasons. These reasons include partial or complete blockage of fallopian tubes due to inflammation and infections in fallopian tubes. Pelvic Inflammatory disease (PID) is also one of the causes for this condition.

The early symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are similar to normal pregnancy symptoms and therefore it is difficult to detect it in earlier stages. For example, in ectopic pregnancy also a pregnant woman will have missed periods, morning sickness, breast tenderness, nausea, vomiting, and frequent urination. As the ectopic pregnancy grows the pain in pelvis and abdomen is felt by the pregnant women. Pain is the first alarming symptom of ectopic. The other symptoms that appear gradually in ectopic pregnancy are: vaginal spotting or bleeding, lower back pain, faintness and dizziness, and low blood pressure.

If ectopic pregnancy is not detected in earlier stages there is a danger of bursting of tissues and intensive bleeding. This may also endanger the life of the patient. Sometimes to terminate the ectopic pregnancy, the organ where the fertilized egg has settled, needs to be removed. For example, if the egg has been settled in one of the fallopian tubes then the fallopian tube, where egg had been settled, may need to be removed. The chances of conceiving again and sustaining the pregnancy, reduces in a woman who already had an ectopic pregnancy.


Besides surgery, there are other treatments also to remove ectopic pregnancy. The treatment varies with the size and location of fetus and also your willingness to conceive again. The early ectopic pregnancy can be aborted by giving methotrexate injection to the patient, which can dissolve the fertilized egg into the body itself. The other treatments at further later stage include laparoscopy, which is a less invasive surgical procedure. In this procedure small incisions are made and laparoscope is inserted to view internal organs and remove ectopic pregnancy. With this procedure the internal organs are repaired or removed to treat ectopic pregnancy. The last option is the surgery, which is done when the size of fetus has grown big and no other treatment is possible. This may include the removal of organs where ectopic pregnancy has taken place. This may also reduce your chances to conceive again.

To avoid the risk of ectopic pregnancy, it is important that you contact your doctor immediately as soon as you become pregnant. This ensures your pregnancy is developing normally.

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